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The Law Firm

In July 1994 Roberto Croce, Italian lawyer, qualified for practicing before the Italian Supreme Court, Solicitor of England and Wales (n.p.), set up his own Law Firm in the immediate vicinity of the judicial venues in Rome.

Since then it has gained significant experience in both civil and criminal law.

Its Collaboration with well-known law firms in Milan and in London has extended its practice to tax cases before the Italian Supreme Court and to cross border cases in Italy and in the UK.

Thanks to the connection with other law firms with proven expertise in different Courts, Roberto Croce's law firm can give advice and legal assistance throughout Italy.

As well as the office staff, the firm relies on the collaboration and advice of highly experienced and trustworthy external professionals (in the fields of forensic psychology, forensic psychiatry, graphology, work consultancy, etc..).

The firm holds a professional liability insurance.

LinkedIn: https://it.linkedin.com/in/studiolegalecroce

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