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Collaborators and Staff

As well as the secreterial staff, the following lawyers collaborate with the law firm (each in their own specialty):

Nicodemo Lionetti (criminal law)

 Alessia Calderini (family law and commercial law)

Guido Rossi (labour & employment law)

Marianna Passarelli (electronic succession declarations)

Angela Monti (Tax Law)

Giovanni Guercio (English Law, Partner at C&G Law & Partners)

B&M LAW LLP (London)

Spinapolice & Partners Law Firm (International Desk)

Expert advice: Prof. Adelmo Manna (full professor of criminal law at the Department of Jurisprudence - University of Foggia) 

The firm has an extensive law library, and it is equipped with personal computers and the most modern technologies:

- Legal databases and on-line connection to "Polisweb" (court database);

- High-speed internet (ADSL) and PCT (Online Civil claims)

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